And that's how the adventure started.
We didn't really have a plan.
All we knew was that there were waterfalls in Jarabacoa.
And we wanted to see them. '
And well, to get to Jarabacoa, one first must catch a ride to La Vega.
And to get to La Vega, one must find a "guagua" (bus) out of Santiago.
And we had heard rumors that we could find said "guagua" passing by Puerta 1 of PUCMM on a 15 minute basis.
So with our hiking gear on and backpacks sparsely packed with a swimsuit and some bug spray, Lindsay, Malin, and I set out into the wild blue yonder.
Above: Lovely little goat farm
Below: The local butcher shop, with today's specialty being leg of goat.
No worries though, a man came around selling "chicharrones", or fried pork skins, and that kept me entertained for a good 5 minutes.
The ride really was quite lovely though.
The countryside was beautiful and the air was crisp and fresh since we were a little ways up in the mountains. It was a refreshing change from the stuffy Santiago air. Not to mention everything just seems more awesome on a motorcycle.
Yes, I realize I have an over-active imagination.
Fruit is weird here. Nothing looks likes what it really should be. Oranges are green. Lemons are orange. You never know what you are getting. All part of the adventure.
All in all, it was a beautiful day. Adventure accomplished.