Currently I'm teaching Advanced Conversation English and I couldn't even dream up a better job right now. The main goal of my teaching is to make my students feel more comfortable speaking in English. Ummm, so that's pretty vague right? Ya, that's what I thought! But turns out, its pretty awesome! It means I have a lot of freedom to be super creative. It's a lot of responsibility at the same time, since I have to fill 2 hours of class time and there isn't much guidance, but it's totally worth the trade off. Since its an advanced conversation class, they already have a pretty good grasp on the English language, they just need a little extra help with their pronunciation, extending their vocab, and being able to function in an English speaking society. Just the other day we did a cultural comparison between the different areas of the U.S. and the Dominican Republic. We listened to Katy Perry's California Gurls and then compared that to the youtube spoof of Minnesota Gurls. It was a pretty entertaining comparison. And come on, in what other job in the world could I get paid for watching Katy Perry music videos?! But we cover more serious topics too, like the documentary Miss.Representation about the objectification of women in the media.
This week however, we started discussing their upcoming oral presentations. I modeled a presentation to give them an idea of what a good one should look like. Yoga was my topic, so mid-presentation I had them all try out a few poses. A good presentation should have audience interaction after all!
I was a sneaky little teacher though, and whipped out my camera to snap a picture of them in the act. I'm bad, I know!
And I totally ruined their zen because half of them just about fell over trying to get out of the picture. But we all were rolling with laughter afterwards.
I said it before, but I'll say it again, I LOVE my job.